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Unread 07-05-2018, 10:18 AM
Max Goodman Max Goodman is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Sunnyvale, CA
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Whatever we may think of the term "conceptual rhyme," we all seem to understand what is meant by it. Maybe that's because the word "rhyme" at the very least rhymes with the concept it is being used to convey. Personally, I like the term. It strikes me as poetic, telling it, as Dickisnon would say, slant.

I can't say I've yet found Zapruder's conceptual rhyming to resonate, but conceptual rhyming interests me. It's likely, because most words connect in various ways to a multitude of concepts, that no two poets will conceptually rhyme identically.

More broadly, Zapruder's book (of which conceptual rhyming is discussed in only one chapter) has helped me experience free verse, which I've always regarded as the Emperor's New Clothes. (I'm not surprised to see Jan use that analogy about conceptual rhyme.) I've been wise enough not to shout that the Emperor is naked, but I've avoided claiming to see the duds. (Most importantly, since it can't matter much to anyone else what I do or don't see, I've avoided making that claim to myself.) I still don't see a lot of them, and, just as most attempts at any art form fail, in most cases they probably aren't there, but Zapruder has helped me see some clothes where I never saw them before.
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