Thread: Limerflicks
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Unread 10-05-2020, 06:56 AM
Roger Slater Roger Slater is online now
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My Dickens one that I posted above is actually a three-parter. Here's the whole thing:

The times were the best, but the worst.
They were blessed, but they also were cursed.
...They were good, they were bad,
...They were happy, yet sad,
They were all things, and all things reversed.

Sidney Carton looked just like Darnay,
And the two men loved Lucie, yet they
...Were friends even though
...Lucie chose as her beau
Charles Darnay and told Carton "No way!"

But Carton still loved her. That's why
When Darnay had been sentenced to die
...Carton gave up his life
...So that Charles Darnay's wife
Would be happy. Mon dieu, what a guy!
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