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Unread 01-18-2021, 07:19 AM
Matt Q Matt Q is online now
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Nope. I mean posting them here. This wouldn't wouldn't result in rhizomatising the linearity (if that means what I think it does) since it would be clear which image or poem was being used to 'seed' the next round.

See? Seeds not rhizomes!

So, thusfar:

Jayne has posted a poem. Sarah-Jane has baggsed the image.

So let's say Sarah-Jane, you, me and Roger each write and post an image in response. However since Sarah-Jane baggsed it, hers 'seeds' the next round.

So, next someone, let's say it's you, baggses the poem to respond to Sarah-Jane's image. But even so, Jayne and I and also write a poem and post it. But since you baggsed the poem, it's yours that will be used as the seed for the next crop of images.

Like this:

baggsed....image 2....image 3......etc
baggsed...poem 2.....poem 3 ........etc
baggsed....image 2....image 3......etc

I dunno, it just seems like it might be more if people can join in. Might still get messy at times, I guess. But with all these gardening metaphors, that's almost inevitable
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