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Unread 02-09-2018, 09:13 PM
John Isbell John Isbell is offline
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Default Does John Kelly have a reputation left to damage?

I ask in all honesty.
He was caught lying about that Florida Democratic congresswoman and refused to apologize. OK. Now he's apparently been caught lying again, about when he learned Rob Porter was a spousal abuser. Was it months ago, or last Tuesday? Then, say his staffers, he held a staff meeting telling his employees to back him up in the lie he was telling. They immediately went to the Washington Post.
To conclude. C'est pire qu'un crime, c'est une faute, said Talleyrand about the murder of the Duc d'Enghien. Kelly may be a bald-faced liar, that's life in Trump world. But his staff evidently despise him. That can't be good for the smooth running of the White House.

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