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Unread 03-06-2021, 07:07 AM
conny conny is offline
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Yep, everything is subjective. I’ve never thought of JC as self-obsessed tho.
touched, as my gran used to say. Certainly by the end of his life, totally
schizophrenic. hearing voices and seeing visions and all that. Dickinson
became a recluse sadly, agoraphobic, but not as far off the rails as Clare.

What I really mean was... their sense of wonder. Which all major poets
share. The sensibilities of which are usually affected by the times they
live in. Dickinson has it spades, as does Clare. An almost supernatural
desire to pare things down to their essence, as if not to get in the way
of beauty. Brevity as an art form is a wondrous thing. She often does
more in 4 lines than most do in 50.

Last edited by conny; 03-06-2021 at 07:11 AM.
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