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Unread 08-26-2017, 03:36 PM
Edmund Conti Edmund Conti is offline
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Summit NJ USA
Posts: 426

After all that, something a little anti-climactic. I'm having a book of poems published by Kelsay Books. What led me there was seeing so many Sphereans who have done the same thing. I get that their philosophy is we'll print and you (being the famous and widely-read poet that you are) will dispose of many of them at readings, etc. Well, yeah, I'll do that. Was wondering if they sell many books on their own.

Meanwhile, busy editing (the 4.5 inch limit for lines is a problem), getting blurbers deciding what goes on front page. What else should I be thinking of.

Anxious for your encouragement. It's too late to discourage me.

Happy birthday, Ralph. Been there.