Thread: Indictment Day
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Unread 11-18-2017, 06:31 AM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Boston, MA
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We each advancing day forward in this morass of american politics I hear echoes of the recent past, during the election campaign, that now take on new meaning; or ring hollow; or worse.

Case in point: The republican campaign mantra, "Drain the swamp!" (which, btw, has been a mantra for virtually all candidates for decades).
As of today, the swamp A) is not being drained -- at all. It's being fed. Look at the appointments made; look at the nepotism flowering, and B) The swamp IS NOW THE PRESIDENCY. Filled with fakes and deceitful legislation, venomous deregulation, predatory capitalism, etc.

I'm disgusted anew each morning.

What inflames me more than anything is the virulent propaganda arm of the presidency. It's spewing out bile that the deplorables are licking up like honey. I'm disgusted. Can you tell? I'm disgusted.

If someone were really serious about draining the swamp they would simply walk over to the faucet, turn it off, and let it wither. It's systemic. For example, the most despicable of "swamp critters" is the congressional benefits package that looks like the blueprint for socialism (not that a dose of socialism is a bad thing). I cannot believe we continue to allow the select few that WE ELECTED receive the benefits they do while we beg for morsels of healthcare, slivers of social security. They even SPEND our social security money to pay for their tax plans that benefit the wealthy.

We have now entered the rock throwing stage. The glass house era of politics. Give me a break. What Al Franken did was immature. He was a funnyman once; a comedian. Not a serial criminal. That Alabama politician running for senate whose name I can't recall at the moment was obviously a bad dude back in the day. He found religion and put it behind him. He should say that and let the voters have their say. If criminal charges can be brought against him then get on with it. I'm ready to give up on democracy -- if what we have is even democracy.
We are in the throes of an existential moment in the US. Where do we turn? Where is the decent revolution when you need it? Who?
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