arnold johnston

Man at Sunset

english translation

Man at Sunset

original Romanian poem

Om În Amurg

Acum sunt un om în amurg,
Fugi în munþii tãi, cãprioarã,
Nu mai râvnesc sã-þi sãrut buzele
A doua oarã, a treia oarã.

Acum sunt un om în amurg.
Pieri din juru-mi, viclean bancher,
N-am ce sa mai fac cu aurul tãu,
Aurul n-are trecere în cer.

Fiece zi are amurg,
Fiece zi are ºi zori.
Toamna via e plinã de struguri,
Primavara numai de flori.

Acum sunt un om în amurg,
Ora amiezii a fost dulce, dulce.
În cuibul ei din fulgi de zãpadã,
Luna s-a dus sã se culce.


Zaharia Stancu

Zaharia Stancu (1902 – 1974) is a celebrated Romanian writer. His novels—Barefoot, The Gypsy Tribe, Crazy Forest, and The Gamble with Death—have been translated into many languages. His poetry, which he wrote all his literary life, gained its greatest acclaim in his later years, and is distinguished by the simple beauty of its diction and its focus on human mortality and aspirations. Stancu’s novels and poems, like those of Thomas Hardy, are complementary parts of an arresting literary vision.



Arnold Johnston

Arnold Johnston lives in Kalamazoo and South Haven, MI. Cofounder of Western Michigan University’s creative writing program and founder of its playwriting program, he taught in the WMU Department of English for many years and served for ten years as its chair. His plays, and others written in collaboration with his wife, Deborah Ann Percy, have won awards, production, and publication across the country. His poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and translations have appeared widely in literary journals and anthologies.


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