
N. S. Thompson

N. S. Thompson is the nonfiction editor for Able Muse and lives near Oxford, UK. A poet, critic, and translator of Italian fiction, with Andy Croft he edited A Modern Don Juan: Cantos for These Times by Divers Hands (Five Leaves), and his poetry publications include Letter to Auden (Smokestack Books), Mr Larkin on Photography (Red Squirrel), and two recent pamphlets, After War (New Walk Editions) and Ghost Hands (Melos Press).


Susan McLean

Susan McLean, emerita professor of English at Southwest Minnesota State University, is the author of The Best Disguise (winner of the Richard Wilbur Award), The Whetstone Misses the Knife (winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize), and Daylight Losing Time (forthcoming from Able Muse Press in 2024). She has also published translations of poems by Catullus, Martial, Thomas More, Baudelaire, and Rilke, and has served as translation editor for Better Than Starbucks. She lives in Iowa City.



Rachel Hadas

Rachel Hadas is Professor Emerita of English at Rutgers University-Newark, where she taught for many years. The author of numerous books of poetry, essays, and translations, she has been a Fellow at the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers at the New York Public Library. Other honors include a Guggenheim fellowship, the O. B. Hardison Poetry Award from the Folger Shakespeare Library, and an award in literature from the Academy-Institute of Arts and Letters. Her most recent collections are Pandemic Almanac (2022) and Ghost Guest (2023).


David M. Katz

David M. Katz is the author of four books of poetry—In Praise of Manhattan, Stanzas on Oz, and Claims of Home, all published by Dos Madres Press, and The Warrior in the Forest, published by House of Keys Press. Poems of his have appeared in Poetry, the Paris Review, the Hudson Review, the New Criterion, PN Review, and elsewhere. He posts frequently on his website, the David M. Katz Poetry Blog (


Jennifer Keith

Jennifer Keith is a writer-editor for Johns Hopkins Medicine and plays bass for the rock band Batworth Stone. Her poems have appeared in Sewanee Theological Review, the Nebraska Review, the Free State Review, Fledgling Rag, Unsplendid, Best American Poetry 2015, JMWW, and elsewhere. Keith received the 2014 John Elsberg poetry prize, and was a finalist in the 2021 Erskine J. Poetry Prize from Smartish Pace. Her first full-length book of poems, Terminarch, won the 2023 Able Muse Book Award and is due to be published in 2024.


W Goodwin

W Goodwin is a writer and visual artist bound by blood and experience to air and salt water. Goodwin graduated from UCLA, undertook graduate studies in biochemistry, traveled the world for decades, taught high school and university-level sciences, raised two children and founded two businesses. These days, the author is intrigued by the notion of transitional events set in specific ecotones.


Annie Shepherd

Annie Shepherd received a PhD in Creative Writing and Literature at the University of Houston as an Inprint Fellow and an MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University. Before getting into fiction writing, she taught English as a Second Language in China. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in North American Review, the Greensboro Review, and North Dakota Quarterly, among others. She is an Assistant Professor of English at Grove City College. When not writing and teaching, she enjoys hiking, songwriting, shuffleboard, and playing with her cat, Scout.


Maryann Corbett

Maryann Corbett is the author of six books, most recently The O in the Air (Franciscan University Press). Her work has appeared widely in journals on both sides of the Atlantic, including 32 Poems, Rattle, and the Los Angeles Review of Books in the US and the Dark Horse and PN Review in the UK. Her poetry has won the Willis Barnstone Translation Prize and the Richard Wilbur Award, has been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, and the Poetry Foundation website, and was included in The Best American Poetry 2018.


Brooke Clark

Brooke Clark is the author of the poetry collection Urbanities and the editor of the epigrams website the Asses of Parnassus. Twitter: @thatbrookeclark.



Reagan Upshaw

Reagan Upshaw works as an art dealer and appraiser in Beacon, New York. A book of his selected poems, In the Panhandle, was published by Kelsay Press in 2023.



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