between the Chains

Between the Chains (Phoenix Poets Series)

"With my eyes closed, I might have guessed a collaboration between William Empson and Noel Coward," J. D. McClatchy has said of Turner Cassity's poems. Cassity's new collection turns an icy needle-spray on topics as diverse as a Polynesian firedance, Johannes Brahms, and the Banque de l'Indo-Chine. Breaking a pact with himself, Cassity has written two poems about the South, which, the poet claims, are unlikely "to cause professional Southerners anything except discomfort." "Turner Cassity's excellent work is like no one else's.

cover of Between the Chains (Phoenix Poets Series)author: Turner Cassity
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0226096173
binding: Paperback
list price: $23.00 USD
amazon price: $13.12 USD

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