bruce taylor

Saint Bruce

Saint Bruce

             As Stephen who looked to heaven and prayed
             into thy mercy all innocents accept,
             and as James, the Reconciler,


Pity the World

Many of Taylor's poems take place at the very moment a man might miss, the moment he realizes he's a stranger in the territory of his own life. Flashes of color and force resound from one poem to another. The poems, chant for all of us who are walking through this world. Frank Smoot (Farm Life) The evidence that this collection has been too long in coming resides in its purity and its economy, the way the everyday particular of mind and garden, heart and home has been made to shine.

cover of Pity the Worldauthor: Bruce Taylor
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1891386522
binding: Paperback
list price: $14.95 USD
amazon price: $12.45 USD

Bruce Taylor

Bruce Taylor' is  Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire is the author of seven collections of poetry,  including Pity the World: Poems Selected and New, and  editor of eight anthologies including, with Patti See,  Higher Learning: Reading and Writing About College. His  poetry, translations and fiction have appeared in such places as Carve Magazine, The Chicago Review, The Columbia Review, The Nation, The New York Quarterly.

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