errors in the script

Errors in the Script: Sewanee Writers Conference Series (Sewanee Writers' Series)

Greg Williamson's verbal wizardry is again on display in these funny and darkly serious poems. As Richard Wilbur said of his first collection, The Silent Partner, Williamson "is concerned...with the fugitive nature of all orderings." And here, in the latest title in the Sewanee Writers' Series, the doublings and hidden dangers in life and language ricochet wildly, as in the quadruple look at people's relationship to nature and metaphor in "The Dark Days" or in the group of twenty-six "Double Exposures" where each poem has to be read three times.

cover of Errors in the Script: Sewanee Writers Conference Series (Sewanee Writers' Series)author: Greg Williamson
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1585671177
binding: Hardcover
list price: $23.95 USD
amazon price: $22.48 USD

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