helen pinkerton trimpi

Selected Poems Of Yvor Winters

Yvor Winters (1900-1968) was a friend, colleague, and teacher to poets of several generations from Hart Crane and Allen Tate to J. V. Cunningham, Turner Cassity, and Edgar Bowers to Robert Hass, Philip Levine, and Robert Pinsky. This retrospective of one hundred poems, edited by the poet and publisher R. L. Barth, is compiled from Winters's published and unpublished work and features an introductory overview of his life and career by Helen Pinkerton Trimpi, a former student of Winters's and a distinguished scholar of American literature.

cover of Selected Poems Of Yvor Wintersauthor: Yvor Winters
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0804010137
binding: Paperback
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $18.95

Helen Pinkerton Trimpi

Helen Pinkerton Trimpi (born in 1927 in Butte, Montana) ) is a poet, essayist, and scholar of American literature and history. She has taught at Stanford, College of Notre Dame, University of Alberta and Michigan State University. She has published five volumes of poetry, including her selected poems, Taken In Faith, in 2001. Her critical essays include studies of Edgar Bowers, Yvor Winters, Janet Lewis, John Finley, and Catherine Davis. In American studies, she published Melville's Confidence Men and American Politics In the 1850s, in 1987.

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