

Horace (65 BC – 8 BC) was a Roman lyrical poet of satire and historical/pastoral odes. Son of a freedman, eventually he became close friends with Virgil. His famous Ars poetica has been an abc of poetry practice and criticism. He was given a farm near Tivoli, and there he wrote his pastoral and other poems. His main works are his Satires, Odes, Epodes, and Epistles. His Ars suggests that a poet should read widely, and be precise and plain in thought and speech. His influence has been enormous on Pope, Ben Jonson, Auden, and Frost.


Willis Barnstone

Willis Barnstone was born in Lewiston, Maine, and educated at Bowdoin, the Sorbonne, the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, Columbia and Yale, taught in Greece at the end of the civil war (1949 – 1951), in Buenos Aires during the Dirty War, and during the Cultural Revolution he went to China, where he was later a Fulbright Professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University (1984 – 1985). A former O’Connor Professor of Greek at Colgate University, he is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature and Spanish at Indiana University.


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