jeff holt

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            “Most things may never happen; this one will”—Philip Larkin


Jeff Holt

Jeff Holt is a Licensed Professional Counselor who lives in Plano, TX with his wife, Sarena, and their lovely twin daughters, Julia and Allison.  He has published poems in numerous online and print publications including Able Muse Anthology, ed. Alexander Pepple, (Able Muse Press, 2010), A Mind Apart: Poems of Melancholy, Madness and Addiction, ed.

Able Muse's Best of the Net nominations

I am pleased to announce that the following six poems and two stories that appeared in the current and previous issues of Able Muse have been nominated for Best of the Net —


The Harvest

The Harvest

Jeff Holt

Jeff Holt is a licensed professional counselor who lives in Plano, TX with his wife, Sarena, and their lovely twin daughters, Julia and Allison, who are almost a year old. Sarena and Jeff are also nursing the emotional wounds of three cats—Charlotte, Spooky, and Maizie—who are still adjusting to the loss of status necessitated by the arrival of the girls.

A Mind Apart: Poems of Melancholy, Madness, and Addiction

"Much madness is divinest sense," wrote Emily Dickinson, "And much sense the starkest madness." The idea that poetry and madness are deeply intertwined, and that madness sometimes leads to the most divine poetry, has been with us since antiquity. In his critical and clinical introduction to this splendid anthology--the first of its kind--psychiatrist and poet Mark S. Bauer considers mental disorders from multiple perspectives and challenges us to broaden our outlook.

cover of A Mind Apart: Poems of Melancholy, Madness, and Addictionauthor: Mark S Bauer
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0195336410
binding: Paperback
list price: $31.95 USD
amazon price: $25.56 USD

Sonnets: 150 Contemporary Sonnets

The Sonnet is one of the distinguishing cultural markers of western civilization. Throughout our literary past, the sonnet has been used by our greatest poets--from Petrarch and Shakespeare to Borges and Auden. Now, in the twenty-first century, after a period of general dismissal in the latter decades of the twentieth century, the sonnet is in the midst of an extraordinary revival and has once again returned to the center of the literary landscape.

cover of Sonnets: 150 Contemporary SonnetsASIN or ISBN-10: 0930982592
binding: Hardcover
list price: $20.00 USD
amazon price: $14.86 USD

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