nola garrett

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The Dynamite Maker's Mistress

cover of The Dynamite Maker's Mistressauthor: Nola Garrett
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1934999458
binding: Paperback
list price: $18.00 USD
amazon price: $18.00

Hillsborough Avenue

Hillsborough Avenue

         —After Paul Verlaine

Forty Years Later

Forty Years Later

Why bother to root for my brother Joel?
Surely, your quarterback’s body is earth’s, Joel.

You knew how to sell elaborate jokes—
seemingly, you stand at my door grinning, Joel.

Named for the prophet of locusts and kairos,
has the Lord dealt wondrously with you, Joel?

Our mother was a saver of used things
that someday would be useful; she wept, Joel.

I could not have borne following your hearse
through rain. You are buried in sunlight, Joel.

Nola Garrett

Nola Garrett is Faculity Emeritus of Edinboro University of PA and presently lives in Palm Harbor, FL.  Her poems, translations, and essays have appeared in Arts Letters, Christian Century, FIELD, Georgia Review, Poetry Northwest, and Tampa Review.  Her chapbook, The Pastor's Wife Considers Pinball, won the 1998 American Poets' Prize.  Forthcoming from David Robert Books, February 2009, is The Dynamite Maker's Mistress: Variations on the Sestina Form.

The Pastor's Wife Considers Pinball

no imageASIN or ISBN-10: B001CXLLR0
binding: Paperback

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