
Epic and Sedition: A Case of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh

Iran's national epic, the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, has traditionally been regarded by both Persians and Westerners as a poem celebrating the the central role of monarchy in Persian history. In this groundbreaking book, Dick Davis argues that the poem is far more than a patriotic chronicle of kingly deeds. Rather, it is a subtle and highly ambiguous discussion of authority, and far from being a celebration of monarchy, its most famous episodes and heroes amount to a radical critique of the institution.

cover of Epic and Sedition: A Case of Ferdowsi's Shahnamehauthor: Dick Davis
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1933823054
binding: Paperback
list price: $29.95 USD
amazon price: $22.74 USD

The Sultan’s Crown

Jeffrey Einboden, John Slater

Jeffrey Einboden is a graduate of Magdalene College, Cambridge where he completed a doctorate concerning English translations of Islamic poetry.  Currently an Assistant Professor at Northern Illinois University, Einboden's recent publications include "A Qur'ānic Milton: From Paradise to al-Firdaws" (Milton Quarterly 43:3) and "Washington Irving in Muslim Translation: Revising the American Mahomet" (Translation & Literature 18:1).  His "The Genesis of Weltliteratur: Goethe's West-&o

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