poetry book

Indelible (Wesleyan Poetry)

Indelible is Rachel Hadas's first book since her critically acclaimed Halfway Down the Hall: New and Selected Poems (1998).

cover of Indelible (Wesleyan Poetry)author: Rachel Hadas
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0819564400
binding: Paperback
list price: $15.95 USD
amazon price: $12.00 USD

The River of Forgetfulness

cover of The River of Forgetfulnessauthor: Rachel Hadas
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1933456248
binding: Paperback
list price: $17.00 USD
amazon price: $17.00 USD

Halfway Down the Hall: New and Selected Poems (Wesleyan Poetry)

A generous gathering of the best poems, both previously published and uncollected, from Rachel Hadas's career.

cover of Halfway Down the Hall: New and Selected Poems (Wesleyan Poetry)author: Rachel Hadas
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0819522511
binding: Paperback
list price: $19.95 USD
amazon price: $10.98 USD

Three Poets in Conversation: Dick Davis Rachel Hadas Timothy Steele (Between the Lines)

Interviews of three young yet already established poets, Tim Steele, a California State professor, Dick Davis, an Ohio State professor, and Rachel Hadas, a Rutgers University professor.

cover of Three Poets in Conversation: Dick Davis Rachel Hadas Timothy Steele (Between the Lines)author: Dick Davis
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1903291143
binding: Paperback
list price: $23.95 USD
amazon price: $15.77 USD


cover of Lawsauthor: Rachel Hadas
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1932023135
binding: Paperback
list price: $14.95 USD
amazon price: $38.75 USD

In Everything

cover of In Everythingauthor: Gilbert Allen
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0916418375
binding: Paperback
list price: $4.95 USD
amazon price: $4.95

Commandments at Eleven

cover of Commandments at Elevenauthor: Gilbert Allen
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0914061461
binding: Paperback
list price: $12.95 USD
amazon price: $12.95 USD

Driving to Distraction

cover of Driving to Distractionauthor: Gilbert Allen
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0914061925
binding: Paperback
list price: $14.95 USD
amazon price: $14.95

Second Chances: Poems

cover of Second Chances: Poemsauthor: Gilbert Allen
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0914061208
binding: Paperback
list price: $10.00 USD
amazon price: $2.57 USD


cover of THE GRAVEYARD PICNICauthor: William Ford
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0910479224
binding: Paperback

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