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Read the Digital Edition - Number 31, Winter 2023/2024



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Read the Digital Edition - Number 30, Winter 2022/2023



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Daniel Bourne

Daniel Bourne’s books include The Household Gods, Where No One Spoke the Language, and the forthcoming Talking Back to the Exterminator, from Regal House Publishing. His poems and translations have appeared in Ploughshares, APR, Field, Boulevard, Guernica, Salmagundi, Yale Review, Pleiades, Shenandoah, Prairie Schooner, Plume, Colorado Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Quarterly West, and elsewhere.


Tadeusz Dziewanowski

Born in Gdańsk in 1953, Tadeusz Dziewanowski was involved in Polish street theater as both a writer and performer during the 1970s, and was a cofounder of the Gdańsk-area creative group, Tawerna Psychonautów (The Tavern of the Psychonauts), in the 1980s. More recently, he has been a poet and translator from English. His first book of poetry, Siedemnaście tysięcy małpich ogonów (Seventeen Thousand Monkey Tales), appeared in 2009, and his poetry, reviews, and translations from English appear regularly in the Polish literary journal Topos.


Able Muse, Print Edition, Winter 2021/2022 - Digital Edition (Subscriber Page)




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