ron nyren

My Most Romantically Challenging Year

My Most Romantically Challenging Year



Ron Nyren

Ron Nyren’s fiction has appeared in The Paris Review, The Missouri Review, The North American Review, Glimmer Train Stories, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere. With Sarah Stone, he is coauthor of Deepening Fiction: A Practical Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Writers, (Longman, 2005), published in a trade version as The Longman Guide to Intermediate and Advanced Fiction Writing (Sourcebooks, 2007).

The Longman Guide to Intermediate and Advanced Fiction Writing (Writer's Reference)

The authors are both sophisticated and clear-sighted, and their instruction is clearly that of writers to other writers. Even published authors might find this book valuable. I recommend it highly. --Charles Baxter, author of Burning Down the House.This is the most literate, practical and inspired guide of its kind, as urgently useful to the developing writer as a dictionary or a muse. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how fiction is made. --Carolyn Cooke, author of The BostonsThis is not simply a book about the craft of fiction.

cover of The Longman Guide to Intermediate and Advanced Fiction Writing (Writer's Reference)author: Sarah Stone
Ron Nyren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0205530125
binding: Paperback
list price: $16.95 USD
amazon price: $16.95

Deepening Fiction: A Practical Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Writers

This intermediate/advanced guide to writing fiction emphasizes the revision process and uses craft discussions, exercises, and diverse examples to show the artistic implications of writing choices. This book addresses the major elements of fiction. Numerous examples, questions, and exercises throughout the book help readers reflect upon and explore writing possibilities. The mini-anthology includes a variety of interesting, illustrative, and diverse stories-North American and international, contemporary and classic, realistic and experimental.

cover of Deepening Fiction: A Practical Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Writersauthor: Sarah Stone
Ron Nyren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 032119537X
binding: Paperback
list price: $87.20 USD
amazon price: $82.60 USD

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