these beautiful limits

These Beautiful Limits (Free Verse Editions)

Description The poems in These Beautiful Limits delight in the transparency-and the obliquity-of language. Invested with a "jocoserious" sensibility, they explore the borders of language to see the ways in which language defines identity-not merely the language of meditation and philosophical inquiry, but also the quotidian language of everyday life that hovers on the edge of forgetfulness. The collection, which culminates in a long poem, "Hemp Quoits," takes as its premise the assumption that the borders of identity are permeable with all the languages the self encounters on a daily basis.

cover of These Beautiful Limits (Free Verse Editions)author: Thomas David Lisk
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1932559965
binding: Paperback
list price: $12.00 USD
amazon price: $19.12 USD

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