
Able Muse/Eratosphere Newsletter - Winter 2017/18: Just Released - Able Muse, print edition, No. 24, Winter 2017 & Latest Books

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Leslie Jill Patterson

Leslie Jill Patterson’s prose has appeared in Prime Number Magazine, Grist, Baltimore Review, Gulf Coast, Bring the Noise: The Best Pop Culture Essays from Barrelhouse, and elsewhere. Her awards include a 2012 Embrey Human Rights Fellowship; the 2013 Everett Southwest Literary Award, judged by Lee K. Abbott; a 2014 Soros Justice Fellowship, funded by the Open Society Foundations in New York; and the 2017 Prime Number Magazine Fiction Award, judged by David Jauss.


Alexander Pepple

Alexander Pepple founded and edits Able Muse and Able Muse Press, and also founded and directs the Eratosphere online worskshop. His poetry and prose have been or will be published in Barrow Street, River Styx, American Arts Quarterly, Light, Think Journal, Euphony, Per Contra, La Petite Zine, San Pedro River Review and elsewhere.


Read the Digital Edition - Number 24, Winter 2017



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Malachi Black

Malachi Black is the author of Storm Toward Morning (Copper Canyon Press, 2014), a finalist for the Poetry Society of America (PSA)’s Norma Farber First Book Award and a selection for the PSA’s New American Poets Series. Black teaches at the University of San Diego and lives in California.



Two Books: Aaron Poochigian, Mr. Either/Or; Rebecca Foust, Paradise Drive

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