
Bruce Taylor

Bruce Taylor' is  Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire is the author of seven collections of poetry,  including Pity the World: Poems Selected and New, and  editor of eight anthologies including, with Patti See,  Higher Learning: Reading and Writing About College. His  poetry, translations and fiction have appeared in such places as Carve Magazine, The Chicago Review, The Columbia Review, The Nation, The New York Quarterly.

When I Least Expect It

When I Least Expect It

In the seats around a classroom
or a supermarket line,
when I’m caught between two men,
I feel the space between my legs
and feel it burn between my thighs,
feel it burn like stocking chafe,
like bike-wreck knees, like Clorox burn.

Weeding a Dog's Grave

Weeding a Dog’s Grave

Ana Garza G'z

Ana Garza G’z is a community interpreter and translator living and working in Fresno, California. She likes metric verse and fantasizes about writing a sonnet sequence on Deuteronomy. Most recently, her work has appeared in Willows Wept Review, with more forthcoming in Rhythm Magazine.

A Warning Sign

A Warning Sign

Just wait a second, I’ll go put him down.
She could have been referring to a child
On his feet in the crib, wailing the darkness wild,
When she broke off a kiss to face the sound.

A screen door sighed and shut. The barking stopped.
He laid a while, hands behind his head,
Before his ears flicked back. Sprung off the bed
He panicked down the stairs in three long skips.



Barefoot the children are running, their fists in the air.
They laugh a ticklish laughter, not the mind’s.
The strings they clutch are as thin as the air at this altitude.
What are they running from? Ask a forget-me-not.
Sunflowers read their passage from west to east.
The flowers are foreground: beyond them, the precipice.
A broom of a wind swishes across a footprint.
That little piggy was hearing, that little piggy was vision....

0, 0: Poems

O[degrees], O[degrees] is where the equator and prime meridian cross, but it is also, in Amit Majmudar's poetic cartography, 'the one True Cross, the rood's wood warped and tacked / pole to pole'. Unlikely intersections lie at the heart of Amit Majmudar's first collection of poetry. Mythical, biblical, political, and scientific allusion thrive side by side, inspiring surprise and wonder.

cover of 0, 0: Poemsauthor: Dr. Amit Majmudar
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0810126257
binding: Hardcover
list price: $42.95 USD
amazon price: $33.00 USD

The Exiles

The Exiles

It sprouts out of him all trunk and no branch.
He’s soil for this tree, his farmer’s tan
The shade of soil turned. No leaf, no fruit,
No shade: Blood at the pith and blood at root.

She lowers as a fog. He makes no fuss.
What once was ichor comes out sticky pus.
Follicles bud and itch—skin irritation
From the fig leaves, probably. Constellations

Amit Majmudar

Amit Majmudar is a diagnostic radiologist specializing in nuclear medicine. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife and twin sons. His first book, 0',0', is forthcoming from Northwestern University Press/TriQuarterly Books. His poetry appears widely.

Adopting Heroic Dreams

Adopting Heroic Dreams

In asbestos gloves and oxygen tank,
I snatched a girl from a smoldering cot
last night, lay her on my shoulder, and thanked
her for coming. “You’ve been through a lot,”
I said. “I can’t wait for you to meet her.
She’s been going nuts to have a sister.”

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