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Riddle 15

english translation

Riddle 15

original Anglo-Saxon poem

Riddle 15 — Anglo-Saxon Original

Hals is min hwit    ond heafod fealo,
sidan swa some.     Swift ic eom on feζe,
beadowΦpen bere.     Me on bΦce standaξ
her swylce swe on hleorum.     Hlifiaξ tu
earan ofer eagum.     Ordum ic steppe
in grene grΦs.     Me biξ gyrn witod,
gif mec onhΦle     an onfindeξ
wΦlgrim wiga,     ζΦr ic wic buge,
abold mid bearnum,     ond ic bide ζΦr
mid geoguξcnosle.    Hwonne gΦst cume
to durum minum,     him biζ deaξ witod;
forζon ic sceal of eξle     eaforan mine
forhtmod fergan,     fleame nergan.
Gif he me Φfterweard     ealles weorζeξ—
hine breost beraξ—     ic his bidan ne dear.
reζes on geruman—      (nele ζΦt rΦd teale)—
ac ic sceal fromlice     feζemundum
ζurh steapne beorg      strΦte wyrcan.
Eaζe ic mΦg freora     feorh genergan,
gif ic mΦgburge mot      mine gelΦdan

Heart Turned Back

Heart Turned Back is about looking and listening; about trying to understand not just humans, but animals and plants and rocks. The poems come from a slow and painstaking education in the things of the world, from learning that we have only a limited time to comprehend, then translate and transform that comprehension into words. The poems love language; they are passionate yet restrained, written in both form and in free verse. Bertha Rogers's poems appear in journals and anthologies and in her four previous collections. She lives in Delhi, New York.

cover of Heart Turned Backauthor: Bertha Rogers
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1907056262
binding: Paperback
list price: $21.95 USD
amazon price: $16.41 USD

Book Arts 2007: Bright Hill Center

Cultural Writing. Art. Catalog and Commentary from the 6th Bright Hill Center North American Juried Book Arts Exhibit at Bright Hill Center's Word & Image Gallery, Treadwell, NY. Edited by Bertha Rogers, with commentary by jurors Karen Hanmer and Bertha Rogers.

cover of Book Arts 2007: Bright Hill CenterASIN or ISBN-10: 1892471477
binding: Paperback
list price: $16.00 USD
amazon price: $9.48 USD

Beowulf: Letterpress Edition

cover of Beowulf: Letterpress EditionASIN or ISBN-10: 0913559598
binding: Paperback
list price: $20.00 USD
amazon price: $20.00

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