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     South Beach Wedding   


by Diane Thiel












 Diane Thiel

click to hear Diane Thiel read "South Beach Wedding" in Real Audio
South Beach Wedding

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On Saturday, we walked Miami Beach,
together searching any quiet streets
and came upon a church tucked in between
the Deco, where a little garden wedding
was being held. We couldn't help but move
a little closer. We must have been in love,
the way we neared to hear their vows

                                                               CUT! CUT!
Stop the scene! What's with the two of you? Can't
you see we're filming here? Security!

The groom began to curse the summer heat.
The bride said she was melting in her dress.
Escorted firmly from the premises,
we heard the words ring out
The Wedding Scene
take twenty-nine. Let's get it right this time!

Release by R. S. Gwynn






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Release by R. S. Gwynn

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