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     Midpoint, Maybe   


by Rachel Hadas












 Rachel Hadas

click to hear Rachel Hadas read "Midpoint, Maybe" in Real Audio
Midpoint, Maybe

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No longer so much when did it begin
As how far does it stretch,
The border where, the frame invisible,
But there is a frame. And here we are 
In one another’s arms, with the illusion
That in some sudden switch we are abruptly
Closer to the end than the beginning.

Measuring time back from a beginning
Starts to get old, at which point we begin 
Measuring it forwards toward an end.
We measurers dawdle in a still green garden
Going slowly golden.
And then the leaves will fall,
As one of us will, followed by the other.

The Genre Necklace by Rachel Hadas






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The Genre Necklace by Rachel Hadas

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