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     Day Trader    


by Len Krisak



 Len Krisak

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Day Trader

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—for Richard Wilbur

Possessed by nerveless frenzy at the screen,
            He jettisons the credit those
Who trust him lent him. Tapped out, there it goes,
With a soft click so mousy it’s obscene.

This frees him to be nearly at his tether’s
            Short end and on the chasm’s verge,
Where margins call him just as mountains surge.
Minute-by-minute, he weathers all weathers,

Until the last thin paper profits blink
           And go, as if so volatile
They could not yield themselves to stay the while.
Thousands, in milliseconds at the brink,

Have gone the way of hedging arbitrage.
            Leaving his ghostly debts to mount,
He sees all pure plays come to no account,
In imitation of a mere mirage.

Then like some mayfly dated with a shelf
            Life meant for no more than a day,
This gambler finds that as he walks away
He exits as a trader to himself.

Amateur Avant-Garde Dance Recital by Len Krisak


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