
Neapolitan Reel

cover of Neapolitan Reelauthor: Gregory Dowling
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0246132183
binding: Hardcover
list price: $454.86 USD
amazon price: $454.86

Double Take: A Mystery

cover of Double Take: A Mysteryauthor: Gregory Dowling
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0312218311
binding: Hardcover
list price: $13.95 USD
amazon price: $13.95

Every Picture Tells a Story

cover of Every Picture Tells a Storyauthor: Gregory Dowling
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0312058152
binding: Hardcover
list price: $22.95 USD
amazon price: $22.95


cover of DOUBLE TAKEauthor: Gregory Dowling
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0727820486
binding: Hardcover

Carnival in Venice: Dumpy Book

"The Carnival in Venice" is a unique cultural statement, a kaleidoscope of European sophistication, finery and fun. Each year, ten days before Lent, merrymakers of all ages brave the icy midwinter weather to converge on Venice, masked and mantled in innovative and imaginative fancy dress. Some exquisite examples are handed down from generation to generation. Hoberman features highly-talented contemporary venetian mask makers and costume designers.
cover of Carnival in Venice: Dumpy Bookauthor: Gerald Hoberman
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1919939229
binding: Hardcover
list price: $29.95 USD
amazon price: $28.45 USD

Rhythm and Blues

Rhythm and Blues by David Stephenson, recipient of the 2007 Richard Wilbur Award, is a compelling and provocative collection of poems which examine our post-industrial culture and consciousness from varying perspectives and in varying poetic modes.

cover of Rhythm and Bluesauthor: David Stephenson
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0930982657
binding: Hardcover
list price: $15.00 USD
amazon price: $9.91 USD

Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruit

Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruit by Deborah Warren, recipient of the 2008 Richard Wilbur Award, is a collection of poems that are, as Rhina Espaillat notes, "out to capture the seen, the unseen peripherals, and the incalculable possibilities behind them." In each of these delicate yet unsentimental poems, Warren shows her mastery of a variety of forms and approaches, yet she always makes certain that her reader hears a discernibly human voice and the music of everyday speech at the center of each piece.

cover of Dream with Flowers and Bowl of Fruitauthor: Deborah Warren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0930982665
binding: Hardcover
list price: $15.00 USD
amazon price: $15.00 USD

The Size of Happiness

cover of The Size of Happinessauthor: Deborah Warren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1904130046
binding: Paperback
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $18.95

Zero Meridian: Poems

In 2001, Ivan R. Dee began publication of the annual New Criterion Poetry Prize-winner. For 2004 the prize has been awarded to Deborah Warren. Ms. Warren's poems combine imagination with intelligence, music with emotional energy. The language sparkles in poem after poem. --Dana Gioia. Warren is among the very finest American poets who still observe the strictures of meter and rhyme. She informs her work with lively feeling, wit, wisdom, and memorable music; she keeps us sitting up and interested. --X. J. Kennedy.

cover of Zero Meridian: Poemsauthor: Deborah Warren
ASIN or ISBN-10: 1566635969
binding: Hardcover
list price: $18.95 USD
amazon price: $15.25 USD

Hapax: Poems

Hapax is ancient Greek for "once, once only, once and for all," and "onceness" pervades this second book of poems by American expatriate poet A. E. Stallings. Opening with the jolt of "Aftershocks," this book explores what does and does not survive its "gone moment" - childhood ("The Dollhouse"), ancient artifacts ("Implements from the Grave of the Poet"), a marriage's lost moments of happiness ("Lovejoy Street"). The poems also often compare the ancient world with the modern Greece where Stallings has lived for several years.

cover of Hapax: Poemsauthor: A.E. Stallings
ASIN or ISBN-10: 0810151715
binding: Paperback
list price: $14.95 USD
amazon price: $14.95 USD

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