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Kevin Andrew Murphy 06-27-2002 11:17 PM

Hey all--

Tim Murphy just gave me the thumbs up on publicizing non-poetry publications, so I will, though will start with the poetry anyway.

My (light verse narrative) poem "Gingerbread Recipe #13" will be appearing in the Lovecraftian humor anthology HASTUR PUSSYCAT! KILL! KILL! coming out from Vox13 Publishing.

Technically appearing next month, but already appearing in stores is my novella "With a Flourish and a Flair" in Wild Cards volume XVI, DEUCES DOWN, edited by George R.R. Martin. (Our first volume to come out as an illustrated hardback.) Publisher is ibooks.

Also from ibooks, scheduled for next December, is the first novel of my Fathom trilogy, a novelization of the Atlantean comic book adventures by Michael Turner (creator of Witchblade) and Bill O'Neill. I just turned the manuscript in two days ago.

From Tor, scheduled next fall, is DRUMS INTO SILENCE, a posthumous collaboration with the late Jo Clayton, completing the last book of her Drums of Chaos trilogy.

I'm going to be speaking at Westercon, the west coast science fiction convention over the July 4th weekend

The San Diego Comicon the 1st weekend of August:

And WorldCon, the world science fiction convention, this year happening in my home city of San Jose, California, over Labor Day weekend.

(I've been asked to submit a Feghoot for their program book and plan to do it as a short verse narrative.)

That's it for now.

Kevin Andrew Murphy

Robert J. Clawson 06-28-2002 02:44 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Kevin Andrew Murphy:

"That's it for now."


wendy v 06-28-2002 04:04 PM

You're a busy man, Mr. Kevin, congrats on the publications.


Robert J. Clawson 06-28-2002 09:16 PM

[quote]Originally posted by Kevin Andrew Murphy:

"That's it for now."


[This message has been edited by Robert J. Clawson (edited June 28, 2002).]

Kevin Andrew Murphy 06-30-2002 11:13 PM


Just submitted the Feghoot.

For folks wondering what a Feghoot is, here's the explanation:

And here's my Feghoot, for your amusement and edification:

"Ferdinand Feghoot and the Zero-G Nunnery"

By Kevin Andrew Murphy

Ferdinand Feghoot, whose fame ever burgeons,
Encountered a castle with ninety-nine virgins
All floating in space, a Zero-G Nunnery
Bursting with bombshells, just like a gunnery.
He sauntered in swinging his black bumbershoot,
Then stopped and he stared and he dropped his cheroot,
And while weightless tumbled his burning Havana,
The nuns as one cried out, "'Tis Feghoot! Hosanna!
'Tis Ferdie! Our main man! Our savior! The Dude!"
While Ferdinand stared, for the nuns were all nude.

The Space Nuns explained then, with smiles and dimples,
"Some horrible space-rats have eaten our wimples!
Our vestments as well, our albs and our cassocks-
They've gorged on our raiment till they're fat as hassocks!
Our nunnery's cursed with a plague of Rodentia
And soon we'll be hosting the Pope-in-Absentia!
We even dare knickers, the space-rats will bite us,
Yet if we're seen starkers, the Space Pope will smite us!
Our nakedness, truly a shame we can't bear-
Please help us, Feghoot! Get us something to wear!"

"Of course, holy sisters!" our hero cried, gallant.
"I'll do what I can, for I have a small talent
For getting things done, and if it's attainable,
Explaining a moral if one is explainable.
Now show me these space-rats; I'll put my old magic
To bear on this problem you find oh-so tragic:
Celestial rodents, in their rude depravity-
I see this is grave, even though there's no gravity-
Have gobbled up every nun-sensical suit.
I'll get them all back, or my name's not Feghoot."

The nuns sang "Hosanna! Praise be! Hallelujah!
Of course, Ferdinand, we will show the rats to ya!"
They opened the vestry: Space-rats floated eating
The vestments till Feghoot gave bumbershoot beating-
Umbrella held high, Feg' leapt into the fray
And beat rats around like 'twas space-rat croquet.
Then once all the space-rats were screaming and shrieking,
He reached down their throats and thus silenced their squeaking,
Removing the cassocks and wimples and tons
Of vestments to cover the naked Space Nuns.

Once clothed (freshly laundered) the Space nuns were praising
Ferd Feghoot, "Oh Ferdie, you're simply amazing!
Those horrible space-rats that filled us with loathing,
You taught them a lesson and got back our clothing!"
"'Twas nothing," said Feghoot, "I just know my lores:
Like it says on the salt box 'When it pains, it roars.'
I knew that, and once I had seen your position,
I recalled something else I learned from a magician,
Who taught me the magic of conjuring hats:
All I did was pull habits out of the rats.

sisyphus 07-01-2002 11:26 PM

Congratulations, Kevin. Can you lend me that crank sitting on the side of your desk?

Tim Murphy 07-02-2002 03:43 AM

This is terrific, Kevin. Did you use Byron's rhyme dictionary?

Anthony Lombardy 07-02-2002 06:53 AM

Kevin, you are a very funny guy! This reminds me of a British radio show that used to be on NPR in which each contestant had to tell a story that ended in a distorted version of some famous quotation. This is like that, only in verse and much better.

I also think it's great to have here someone who is writing professionally in genres. That's something most of us won't do, but writers who work at connecting with an audience within the constraints of a genre learn things about rhetoric and narrative that can be very helpful to everyone. So I hope you won't be shy about sharing news of your interests and accomplishments or your point-of-view. That perspective is certainly most welcome!


Kevin Andrew Murphy 07-03-2002 01:39 AM


No crank, just a glass of Coke and a muse with a whip marked "deadline."


Glad you liked it. I'll admit complete unfamiliarity with Byron's rhyme dictionary. All I have is the WordPerfect 7 rhymer, which I use for the more simple rhymes, while the complicated ones come from my head.


The Shaggy Dog story has a long and wonderful tradition. Glad you liked this one in verse, in the subtradition of the Feghoot.

Genre fiction is quite interesting in that each of the different genres tends to teach a writer a different elements of the storyteller's craft. So far, I've written and sold SF, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Horror, Mystery and Erotica, which have an interesting crosspolination going on between them, especially when the Romance authors get into the mix.

Looking forward to also submitting some of my work to the literary markets.


Stephen 07-03-2002 01:58 AM

My two penn'orth. The radio show was My Word, and the two protagonists were Frank Muir (now, sadly, dead)and Dennis Norden. At the drop of a hat, I can post one or two of their best ...

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