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Announcements in Forum : Musing on Mastery
07-15-2011 until 12-31-2029
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 4,942

1) If you're simply posting a link to an external piece, please do so at The Discerning Eye, or General Talk, not here. We don't want this forum transformed into a glorified link farm: a post initiated here is expected to be more of a suitable, fully developed appreciation or excoriation piece, not simply links to external sites. If you're simply posting links, your post might be moved or removed! This also applies to posting just poems or passages, without including suitable accompanying commentary.

2) Note that the Musing on Mastery threads are intended for posting the poem of masters, past and present. NOT your own poems. This is especially a curious practice when you dig up years-old thread to do so! The rubric of this forum makes this clear by specifically calling for the work of masters. Still, I've just augmented it by spelling out that it doesn't include your own poems.

The exceptional cases where you may post your own poem will be determined on case-by-case basis by a moderator.

For further guidance, if you need to workshop your poem, then post it in a workshop forum. If you feel your poem is good enough, then submit somewhere for publication. If it gets published, then feel free to announce it at the Accomplished forum, with a link if available.


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