Eratosphere Forums - Metrical Poetry, Free Verse, Fiction, Art, Critique, Discussions Able Muse - a review of poetry, prose and art

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Announcements in Forum : Fiction
12-27-2010 until 12-27-2029
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 4,969

Please note that the practice of editing out a poem under critique and leaving a headless thread contravenes our posting and etiquette guidelines.

This practice is unfair to the posters who have taken time to comment on the workshop thread, and it degrades the forum and Eratosphere in general. Unless a Moderator closes your thread, you are expected to leave it open for critique for at least two weeks after posting. The only other circumstances under which the main post/poem in a critique thread is to be removed from a workshop forum (i.e., Metrical, The Deep End, Non-Metrical, Translation, Fiction) are as follows:

1) through our regular, monthly pruning process (which removes the whole thread)


2) by consultation with the forum moderator, and for a substantial reason (sending the poem out for submission, etc.).

Under all other circumstances, including the receipt of unfavorable critique, gutting a workshop thread by removing the main post/poem is a violation of our posting and etiquette guidelines. Members who engage in this practice may face a temporary or even permanent loss of editing privileges.

Thank you all for your cooperation in this matter.

01-09-2009 until 12-28-2029
Alex Pepple Alex Pepple is offline
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: San Jose, CA
Posts: 4,969

Warning: Unauthorized reposting or reproduction of any work posted to Eratosphere's workshop boards for critique is a violation of copyright, and is unacceptable under any circumstances. For further information, see our full Copyright Advisory for Workshop Posts here.

Although there are no restrictions on the type of fiction that may be posted in this forum (except as stated in the general rules and guidelines), and other members are more than welcome to read and comment on anything they find interesting, note that genre fiction and long posts are unlikely to attract many comments.
NEW MEMBERS may respond to existing threads but may not start any new ones of their own until they have offered at least 3 non-trivial critiques to fiction threads, AND until at least one week following membership approval, unless by special permission from any Eratosphere moderator. Note that the poetry forums require more than 3 initial critiques - see their guidelines for details.

Please limit your new threads to one story in any 7-day period. We also ask you to critique more stories than you post.

Please post revisions in the original thread, if it is still on the board, rather than taking up a new line! You can do this using the edit function to paste the revision above your original story. And to make sure your revision gets noticed, post a note at the bottom of the thread to push it back up.

We hope you won't find these guidelines too restrictive. Their aim is to maximize the effective critique you receive. Contact any moderator if you have posting problems.

The Eratosphere Staff.

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