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Dear Eratosphereans,
The video for April 17, 2021, reading with three of the first Able Muse Press authorsis up here on the Able Muse Youtube channel--with Catherine Chandler, Wendy Videlock, and Hollis Seamon; hosted by Frank Osen. And as the Youtubers are wont to say, remember to subscribe to the channel and like the video!
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I'm pleased to announce the contest winners as chosen anonymously by the final contest judges - Amit Majmudar (fiction), and Dick Allen (poetry)--
Congratulations to J.Preston Witt, Scott M. Miller, Catherine Chandler, Marilyn L. Taylor, Eric Berlin (and that's three Eratosphereans amongst the winners and finalists!), and the honorable mentions and shortlisted which also include several talented Eratosphereans!
Complete details here.
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Dear Eratosphereans:
I'm pleased to announce that Lines of Flight, the acclaimed first full-length collection from Eratospherean, Catherine Chandler has been released by Able Muse Press and is immediately available worldwide through Amazon and most popular distribution and retail channels here (ISBN 978-0-9865338-3-9). Or, just go to Cathy's website, www.catherine-chandler.com, or the Able Muse Press website, www.ablemusepress.com.
Please, join me in congratulating
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Dear Eratosphereans:
With about one week to go to the deadline of the Able Muse Book Award (poetry manuscripts), it's time to sound the last call (nearly) for submission --
Book Award Deadline near at hand:
Able Muse Book Award (poetry): If you haven't already done so, the entry deadline is fast approaching (March 31, 2011). Check all the details here.
New Author Books
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