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Dear Eratosphereans,
The video for March 26, 2023 Able Muse Press Reading, with three of our acclaimed authors: the late Kate Light (performed by Michael Palma), Jeredith Merrin, and Carrie Shippers (hosted by Janis Harrington) is now up on the Able Muse Youtube channel here on the Able Muse Youtube channel. And as the Youtubers are wont to
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~ Coming This Sunday! ~
Announcing Able Muse's Next Reading Event: Three Acclaimed Able Muse Authors Reading Event: Kate Light, Jeredith Merrin, and Carrie Shipers:
Date: Sunday, March 26, 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM Eastern
Join us for a virtual reading and Q&A with three Able Muse Press authors--
- Kate Light: Character
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Dear Eratosphereans:
ABLE MUSE WRITE PRIZE ** Entry Deadline Extended 5 Days ** by popular request (to Monday, March 20, 2023). So, this is your last chance to enter. . .
Able Muse Write Prize (poetry & flash fiction): If you haven't already done so, this is the last chance to do so (Sunday, March 20, 2023 - midnight PDT). Check all the details here.
Also: Able Muse Book Award
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Dear Eratosphereans,
The video for February 18, 2023 Launch Reading for the new Able Muse, print edition, #30, winter 2021/2022 event is up here on the Able Muse Youtube channel--with the contributors and editors, new issue, #30, winter 2022/2023 (More info on the issue, editors, and contributors at https://ablemuse.com); including featured poet Mary Jo Salter (read
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