Clearly it's a prophetic foreshadowing of the English homonyms "bare" and "bear," Mark.
I'm struck by the anticlimactic next line:
2:25 And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.
I guess Carmel and Samaria would have seemed pretty ho-hum, after the bloodbath in Bethel, but they are dutifully recorded anyway.
I wonder how fast each bear would have to be moving to each catch and kill (on average) 21 feisty youngsters. And how long it took to count their bodies. I assume one would just count the heads and ignore the rest of the body parts that the tare-ifying she-bears tare.
I'd also really like to learn more about the apparent alliance between the two she-bears. Do female Syrian brown bears typically hang out together, and possibly even co-parent? Or could that be considered part of the miracle?
Wikipedia doesn't say, but they seem to be blond and petite, with white claws:
The Syrian brown bear's fur is usually very light brown and straw-coloured. ... It is the only known bear in the world to have white claws. It is a rather small bear. ... The Syrian brown bear weighs up to 1,102 lb (500 kilograms), and measures from 101–140 cm (40–55 inches) from nose to tail.
... The Syrian brown bear is the bear mentioned in the Bible. The protectiveness of a mother bear towards her cubs is cited proverbially three times (2 Sam. 17:8; Prov. 17:12; Hos. 13:8) in the Hebrew Bible. The Syrian brown bear is also mentioned in 2 Kings 2:23-25 mauling 42 young men who were threatening Elisha.
As I recall, Rudyard Kipling's
"The Female of the Species" has a lot to say about she-bears, too.