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Unread 02-19-2024, 07:47 AM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
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Default See

revision 4
Words Thawed Fireside on a Cold Mid-Winter Evening

my words
tonight by fire.
Fossil notes flash-
frozen by elements and
etched on skull; thoughts
extracting a staccato song
thumbed with thick fingers:

hoar-frosted dune grass
snow-crusted sand
sea slushed slow
sky fogged gray
spumed waves
whitened sun
iced wind


by the fire
my thoughts.
Fossilized notes
etched by elements
imbedded in my skull
extracting a crackling song:

S1L9: "thick" was "trembling"
1L3: "words" was "thoughts"
S1L7: "thoughts was "my brain"
S1L7: "skull" was "bone"

Defrosting Frothed Thoughts Fireside on a Bitter-Cold Evening In February

by fire
relic bones
dug from dunes
etched skull notes
this crackling song:

hoar-frost dune grass
snow-crusted sand
sea slush slow
spume waves
sky fog gray
white sun
ice wind
S1L8 was "this sea-chirped song:"

Revision 2


Half-frozen, atop wintry dunes
slurry sea and sky and land
winds, tides, glacial flows
elemental animal gods
thickened blood,
stolen breath,
tearing eyes

muscles knotted
hieroglyph skull
face fossilized
sea mouth roar

I thaw tonight
excavate lines
like relic bones
dug from dunes
a staccato song:

snow encrusted sand

milky spume waves

sea slushy slow

bent-over grass

sky fog gray

white sun

ice wind


Revision 1


Half-frozen, perched atop wintry dunes in the Province Lands
facing a panorama of slurry sea and sky and land sculpted
by winds and tides and glacial flows, as the elements
encircled me like animal gods conspiring to penetrate,
rendering me unable to articulate the scene with utterances
or scribble them with aching ungloved fingers, only able
to see with tearing eyes and halting, stolen breath,
my veins thickening with blood, muscles cramped
and knotted by north wind blast and sea roar,
feeling myself being fossilized into the frozen scape
that had scratched itself into the eyes of my skull
like a hieroglyphic song I thaw tonight
and place in lines like relics on a table
that form these staccato notes:

snow encrusted sand

waveless milky spume

sea slushy slow

bent-over grass

sky fog gray

white sun

ice wind



L1 was: I flash-froze myself today perched in the wintry dunes
"snow encrusted sand" was "snow crusted sand"
"waveless milky spume" was " chunked waves"
Last line was: and I
Title was "Flash-Frozen"
... and then the floodgate opened to little tweaks and changes too many to mention.

I See
A winter walk in the dunes on the Outer Cape

snow topped sand
stiff dune grass
sea slushy slow
spume waves
sky fog gray
white sun
ice wind

Title was See What I See
Last line was me


Last edited by Jim Moonan; 04-03-2024 at 10:35 AM.
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Unread 02-20-2024, 06:18 AM
Rick Mullin's Avatar
Rick Mullin Rick Mullin is offline
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Hi Jim,

Consider changing "me" to "I". It would sound and look better as the poem tapers down. Also, there is the "Ich" philosophy of Johann Gotlieb Fichte: The world is created and perceived by the "I".

Not sure what the metrical structure is, but only noting this because this is a metrical trough.

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Unread 02-20-2024, 07:13 AM
R. Nemo Hill's Avatar
R. Nemo Hill R. Nemo Hill is offline
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This is too slight for my tastes.

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Unread 02-20-2024, 08:20 AM
Joe Crocker Joe Crocker is offline
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It looks like a shape poem to me. (a quarter of a snow flake?) Maybe something outlining the shape of sand dune might be better, something sigmoid ie much longer first line, very short last line, gradually shortening middle lines. I would rather "slush" than "slushy" in L3.
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Unread 02-20-2024, 09:25 AM
John Riley John Riley is online now
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I think I would like this more if it was more like a haiku. I see what you see but that’s it. I’d like to feel more of what you feel.
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Unread 02-20-2024, 10:24 AM
Alexandra Baez's Avatar
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I see what you see but that’s it. I’d like to feel more of what you feel.
Yes. The poem rather matter-of-factly describes a scene--"sea slushy slow" and the ending on "me" are the only places that it's more expressive. So my reaction is, "Yes--and ... ?"

I'm able to perceive the form as reflecting a dune, but Joe's surely right that a more exact representation of that form would be more effective.

To me, there's a problem in Rick's suggestion of switching "me" to "I": the title suggests that "me" is functioning as a direct object in this context, in which case it's the appropriate pronoun for the job. As to the metrics, yes, it's heterometrical without an organizing pattern to the shifts--plus there's an anapest thrown in in L2.
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Unread 02-20-2024, 10:31 AM
Jim Moonan Jim Moonan is offline
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Rick, Nemo Joe, John, thanks.

It's meant to be an ekphrastic-like representation of what I was experiencing; to paint a picture of what I saw and felt that included myself (me). If the imagination doesn't open to that, it may seem slight.

The tapering of the lines is to connote the coldness of the scene. It was petrifying cold. The lines shorten as if they are constricting. The phrasing is minimal to sound like the last words of a person being frozen to death.(I was somewhat influenced with the memory of a movie I saw awhile ago entitled Into the Wild that tells the story of a young man who ultimately froze to death in the Alaskan wilderness as he sought something that was unreachable.)
The color palate of the scene was as if the colors, too, were in the process of being frozen and the color drained from the object. Even the ocean had slowed down as if it was a cold-blooded being.

John, yes I suppose haiku could capture it as well.

Rick, thanks for the reference to Fitche philosophy. I was not intentionally thinking philosophically but then again I find it hard not to think philosophically (small "p").
I like the double entendre of "I" and "eye" so I may change "me" to "I". (Actually I just did.)

I hope your artist's eye can see the scene. It's a landscape with numbness. Your color palate is anything but numb, though. Btw, your website is great. I would gladly turn a room or two of mine into wall space for your art if I had money. Art goes to those with expendable income, I think : )

Joe, it is something of a shape poem. It's the shape of the sensation of feeling being drained to nothing. Numb.

Nemo, all I ask of the reader is to feel the moment I am describing. If one's toes suddenly go cold then it's working — ha! Yes it is slight, but not in the way you are seeing it. So in that respect it has failed you. I am going for it being slight in a sensory way; the language is minimal; I added a shape to the poem to connote a dwindling sense of feeling.

The dunes in the Province Lands on the outer part of Cape Cod are magnificent. (If you get a chance read any part of Thoreau's beautiful travel journal entitled Cape Cod. I think it is his best writing). There is no place I've been where I have felt closer to nature.

I think it's metrical. there are two metrical feet to every line but the last. It's multi-footed metrical. Anyway, it sounded metrical to me ear.

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Unread 02-20-2024, 11:58 AM
W T Clark W T Clark is online now
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Jim. The poem is purely visual. It feels like reportage. There is no sensation in the poem, not even of numbness. Here is numbness:

After great pain, a formal feeling comes -
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs -
The stiff Heart questions ‘was it He, that bore,’
And ‘Yesterday, or Centuries before’?
The Feet, mechanical, go round -
A Wooden way
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought -
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone -
This is the Hour of Lead -

Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow -
First - Chill - then Stupor - then the letting go -

I hope that might help in revision.
It is always wise to remember that one's intentions for a poem and the reader's perception of that poem may differ widely, and that one may have to work to alter those perceptions that they might align with those intentions.
Hope this helps.
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Unread 02-20-2024, 01:00 PM
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Rick Mullin Rick Mullin is offline
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Now, looking at the "I" at the end, I'm thinking that ending it


would look and "be" better. All these things "and" I. One more thing.

I take points made by Nemo and Cameron and others on the thinness of this. It is a list of things seen. Elevating connectivity of images may bring this to a higher level--one where the images appear. I suggest dropping the notion of see/sea and getting it out of your mind now that it's started you on something.

But by all means, end it

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Unread 02-20-2024, 01:32 PM
Michael Cantor Michael Cantor is offline
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This doesn't particularly call to me - but if it's minimalism you're after I'd suggest cutting L3. Graphically, it sticks out, and "slushy" stinks sonically. Go with:

snow topped sand
stiff dune grass
spume waves
sky fog gray
white sun
ice wind

Additionally - although this changes it to a more substantial poem - it might be more interesting if you prefaced it with another six line stanza which was the reverse of the first - starting with "I" and then increasing the length of each line - that dealt with a related aspect of the same landscape or weather, but gave the poem more substance.
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